- The Wellness Tree1480 Beltress St, Suite 5
Dunedin, FL 34698727-216-6929 Call for appointments & information
- Testimonials
I went to get acupressure because I was past my pregnacy due date, but after the appointment I felt like I was walking on air. I had a lot of energy, my pains were gone, and I realized I needed it more than I really knew. She is understanding and very professional. I would definitely recommend Dr. Graves.
Dr. Carrie Johnson is what all physicians should be–knowledgeable, concerned, and caring. She listened and worked with me as an individual. She took me from a life of fear of exacerbating the already constant pain to a life where I can be physically active because the pain can be eliminated by her skilled treatment. Not only did she provide healing with accupuncture to relieve TMJ and radiating nerve pain, she also taught me two simple exercises that extend the effect
... Read more »I am a sr citizen and have been going to Dr. Carrie for a year and am hooked on acupuncture!! She helped me with losing weight and lowering my blood pressure. A great way to stay well and maybe someday all insurance carriers will see to it to cover acupuncture as a medical treatment.
I am a fitness freak: I like cross-country running,cycling, weight lifting, playing basketball and racquetball. But at a certain point I started having severe back pains, spasms and hamstring tightening which sidelined me for quite a while as I tried physical therapy but I did not get immediate relief I was looking for. Then I visited with Dr Carrie Johnson for initial visit and analysis of my condition, at first I was skeptical but Dr Carrie Johnson made me a believer of Acupuncture and Active release techniques. Thanks
... Read more »Let me start by saying I am a certified CrossFit trainer with multiple specialty certifications and I am also a USAW certified Sport Performance Coach. I have dealt with minor injuries before but nothing that forced me to consider some type of rehab or treatment plan. While training high volume or a competition I suffered a low back injury. After months of rest and self prescribed rehab I wasn’t getting back to the shape I wanted and my symptoms persisted.
... Read more » -
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Tag Archives: depression
Acupuncture: A Gentle Touch in the Fight Against Cancer
Hearing you’ve been diagnosed with cancer can feel like getting run over by a freight train. It can be overwhelming to learn about the prognosis, treatment options, and what to expect as you begin the journey that will hopefully lead to a full recovery.
The aggressive treatments, often including chemotherapy and radiation, can leave patients feeling drained and in
Reclaiming Time, Embracing Values: Navigating Our Digital Lives with Purpose
In a world where the average American glances at their phone every few minutes, tallying up to an astonishing 3 hours and 30 minutes of screen time daily, our digital habits are silently sculpting our lives. With each pickup, swipe, and click, we’re not just passing the time; we’re shaping our day-to-day experiences and, inadvertently, our values. But how
Embracing Mindful Eating – A Personal Journey and Professional Insight
Let’s talk about mindful eating, a journey I’m currently navigating. Full disclosure – I’m the person who finishes their meal before others have barely started. But, I’m learning, and I want to share some insights to help us both on a journey of mindfully eating.
A study that particularly struck a chord with
Can Acupuncture Help with Depression?
As mental health issues have come to the forefront in recent years, many have sought more natural treatment options that don’t involve pharmaceuticals and their potentially harmful effects. Acupuncture has become a popular option for treating mental health issues, including depression. But does it work? Before we answer that question, let’s give a proper definition to both acupuncture and
Feeling Stressed and Anxious? Try Acupuncture
We all know that stress is just a part of life. We all have moments of feeling anxious or depressed, but when those feelings become more of a permanent fixture in our lives, it is time to get some help. What many may not know is how effective acupuncture can be in providing relief to the mental and physical
Acupressure Points to Help Depression
We’re confident that you’ve heard of acupuncture, but do you know where it comes from?
The study and practice of acupuncture and acupressure have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years and is an ancient healing technique. Acupressure and acupuncture apply the same principles, but acupressure uses pressure points instead of needles to achieve the
Foods to Eat to Help Depression
Many have heard the question posed what came first, the chicken or the egg? But how does that concept apply to depression? It’s well-known that when we’re depressed, our motivation and interest in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet subsides in the same way our energy does. Harvard Medical Students positioned that same question in relation to depression;
Meridian Point: Large Intestine 4
Large Intestine 4 is one of the most important and influential acupoints in the entire body. The Chinese name for Large Intestine 4 is “He Gu” meaning union valley or converging valley. The point is located on the hand in the web between the thumb and index finger, also described as the depression where the index finger and
Five Reasons Acupuncture Helps Reduce Stress
Stress is a word many people are familiar with. The dictionary defines stress in multiple ways, but there is only one that matters when we discuss how stress affects our physical bodies. The definition is this, “stress is a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension.” And while most people think of stress as being
TCM and Libido in Men
If your love life is lackluster, have you considered Traditional Chinese medicine to help a sagging libido? Acupuncture and herbal formulas may just be the ticket to improve your sex life and reignite your fire.