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7 ways to make your loved one smile this Valentine’s Day

Blog-img - 7 ways to smile this Valentines Day _640Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show your loved ones how much you care. Below are some ideas to make this year’s holiday a memorable one.

Start the day off right

Make a homemade breakfast for your loved one or close family and friends in your life. Everyone can appreciate waking up to something homemade. Try doing breakfast in bed for your significant other or hosting a friends and family brunch at your house.

Show your appreciation

Don’t forget to tell your loved one how much you appreciate them. Show them how much they mean to you by making a creative list of all the reasons you are happy they are in your life. continue reading »

5 natural ways to improve women’s health

Blog - 5 natural ways to improve women’s health_640Egg health

Getting pregnant can be frustrating when it isn’t happening as easily as planned. There are many reasons you could be dealing with a difficult pregnancy including egg health. There are many factors that play into egg health including blood circulation, stress and hormonal balance. For improving blood and oxygen flow, try to get some sort of exercise whether it is yoga, running or simply going on a brisk walk at least three times a week. Ask a massage therapist about abdominal massage, which can increase blood flow to the reproductive system. Stress can also play a very important factor in egg health. Find ways to de-stress with meditation practices, acupuncture and deep breathing. continue reading »

Kidney and Bladder Health & TCM

Blog-img Kidney and Bladder Health & TCM_640The kidney is an especially important organ in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Not only does it flush out the unwanted toxins from our body, but is believed to support the body’s reproductive system as well as regulate the circulation of fluids in the body.

In TCM, the kidney is the source of yin and yang, the cooling and warming energies that keep your body in balance.

When the kidney/bladder system is weak and not functioning properly, this can result in different problems and imbalances throughout the body. continue reading »

7 Steps to Detox After the Holidays

Blog-img 7 Steps to Detox After the Holidays_640Get rid of leftovers

The holidays bring delicious homemade food, and along with that come the leftovers. Holiday leftovers can be just as good as when you cook the meal the first time and become a tempting go-to snack. Time to let go. Toss the leftovers, they most likely aren’t the healthiest dishes and it’s time to start fresh.

Stay hydrated

Most Americans do not drink enough water, and there is no better time to start than now! Fill up your glass at least 8 times a day. Some find it easier to carry a water bottle throughout the day to remind yourself to keep hydrated. Staying hydrated can flush out toxins and detox your body, as well as keeping you feeling good. continue reading »

Steps to Stay Smoke-Free

blog-steps-smoke-freeSo you’ve quit smoking, or maybe you’re trying and not sure how long you will last. Either way, quitting is not easy, and staying smoke-free in the long term is even harder. You may have periods of time when you’re feeling confident and a cigarette is the last thing on your mind, or you may all of a sudden have intense cravings. Below are some ways to help keep you smoke-free for a better, healthier life. continue reading »

5 Oils and Alternative Treatments for Your Skin

Photo credit: Dầu dừa (Flickr)

Skin issues can happen at any age. Whether you have dry, oily or sensitive skin, it can get complicated.

Although there are many products on the market that promise to “cure” your skin ailments, natural alternatives have proven to be effective and one of the safest options for skin treatment.

Here are just a few of the different oils that are easy to add to your skin maintenance routine and can help with frustrations you may be facing. continue reading »

What’s Clutter Got to Do with It?

Junk Drawer
Clutter is a common problem in today’s society.  Families are busier than ever trying to keep up with their careers, children in extra-curricular activities, household responsibilities, mail, errands, business and personal travel, email, etc.  At some point, most people get overwhelmed.  Clutter seems to appear overnight and is hard to tackle for most people.  In some cases, in my opinion, it is also an outward physical manifestation of something that is going on inside, generally stemming from emotional distress.  People that are generally pushed to the breaking point are usually in the midst of a major life transition.  The transitions in life I see that cause the most chaos and clutter in someone’s life are as follows:

  • Death of an immediate family member
  • Divorce
  • Infidelity
  • Empty nest
  • Job transition
  • Medical conditions
  • Aging
  • New baby

“Normal” everyday life is stressful enough, but when people are going through these transitions, stress and anxiety escalate.  Their main focus is on the situation at hand, and not on the physical contents of the home or office.  The pain of the clutter doesn’t generally manifest itself until the current situation is handled and the person realizes that they want to get their life back, put order back into their home or office, and are too overwhelmed at that point and don’t know where to start.  Also during major transitions in life, stress increases even more so because there is either a lack of time or money to address the situation, or people sometimes don’t have the knowledge or skills to adapt and deal with the clutter thus feeling helpless.  I have observed first-hand the correlation between clutter, stress, unbalanced lifestyles and increased medical issues.  The more clutter I see, the more prescription drugs I see in the cabinet.  The more clutter I see, the more unhealthy food I see in the pantry.  The more clutter I see, the more I hear clients complain of medical conditions and the inability to sleep, rest or relax.

It is very important to follow some simple steps in order to manage the stress and move forward into the next phase of life.

  1. Know that you are not alone – many people have been in similar situations
  2. Seek the advice of your doctor as to how to best manage the stress
  3. Rely on your friends, family, and other people for support
  4. Get plenty of rest, eat balanced meals and exercise regularly
  5. Call a decluttering professional for help if you get stuck

I think the real truth about where the clutter started and how to rid yourself of it once and for all starts with the act of physically decluttering a particular space and in some cases your entire home. Remember, it took you quite some time to get cluttered and you can’t expect for it to disappear overnight.  You will need to be ready to work thru the process and be open to learning what the physical clutter is trying to tell you about what’s going on inside.  By working thru the physical process of decluttering, you will most likely find the answer about what clutter has to do with it.  Once you discover this, you can then continue taking the steps to heal yourself physically and emotionally.

Sharon Toston, The Clutter Coach

Getting Stiff?

The three pillars of health that I put above any other healthcare (physicians, acupuncturists, chiropractors, supplements, etc) are as follows:

1. Sleep
2. Food
3. Movement
4. Healthcare

You’ll notice that I didn’t put “exercise” – I put movement.  That isn’t accidental.  I believe that being stationary is detrimental to our health.  Here are some exercises I’d like you to do three times a day at your desk to loosen up!

Go ahead!  Try it now! 

How does that feel?

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